Adult Sunday School  at 9:30

Bible Explorer Class

The Bible Explorer Class was established over 20 years ago to focus on learning about The Bible and how scriptures can strengthen us in our day-to-day lives. The class consists of adults of all ages and levels of Bible knowledge. We use a casual class structure that involves reading chapters from selected Old or New Testament books and sharing our questions, insights and ideas about how the scriptures apply to our lives. Seasonal studies are often used during the Christmas and Easter seasons. During each class, we share the joys and challenges that we are experiencing and lift each other up in prayer throughout the week. The class began studying via Zoom during the pandemic and continues to incorporate Zoom into the class now that we have resumed meeting in person. This allows former class members who live out of town, traveling class members and those who are unable to get to church to participate. Visitors are always welcome! For more information, or to receive a Zoom invitation, contact Len Tatum at
Bread of Life Bible Study
Come and join us for the study of Genesis! All are welcome!  No need to purchase an additional book since we are studying straight from the bible, and there’s no prior knowledge necessary. We look forward to seeing you every Wednesday at 4:00pm.
Gleaners Circle- United Women in Faith
This group of ladies meets once a month on the first Monday at 6:30 pm in the Grace Fellowship Hall. Programs vary and are presented by volunteer women of the group. 
Missions and Evangelism Team (MET)
Thank you Grace Family, you are amazing! This year’s Back to School Buzz was a success thanks to your prayers and generous giving of your time and donations. We had 272 people from the community attend this event, and it was truly a blessing to see so many smiling faces participate this year. During this event, we were able to give away reading glasses, backpacks, school supplies, hot dog lunches, outfits for school, new/gently used books, and educational tutoring. Over the one day set up, and event day, we were blessed with a total of 71 volunteers!

We look forward to our 15th annual Back to School Buzz which will be on Saturday, August 2, 2025.
Submission forms for Events and/or Collections can be found by copying and pasting the following into your web browser:
Also, we would love to see you at our next meeting! Every second Thursday of the month, at 6:00pm.

Prayer Shawl Ministries (Crochet/ Knitting)- United Women in Faith

This group meets every Thursday from 12:30- 2 pm to crochet/knit prayer shawls. At that time, prayer is offered for those who will receive the shawls, as well as for those who have received them. If you know how to knit or crochet, or would like to learn, please come and join us! The purpose of the Prayer Shawl Ministry is to bring comfort and prayers to individuals in need: the sick, the hurting, the grieving, etc. The shawls are freely available to take and present to families or friends in need. We think the of shawls as a hug from God through our hands to those in need! Please contact Susan Murphy (512-810-2099) or Cathy Lynn (618-698-4984) to request a shawl or more information about this ministry. 


Reading Circle- United Women in Faith

A group that meets on the fourth Sunday of each month at 3:00 p.m. with books selected from the conference on topics of interest to help women, children, and youth in various areas as well as your personal spiritual journey. 
Sowers Circle- United Women in Faith
This group of ladies meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30 am in the Grace Fellowship Hall. Programs are sometimes specific topics or studies that can last for several weeks. Each program is presented by a volunteer of the group. 
United Women in Faith (aka United Methodist Women)
Open to all women, high school through adults. The United Women in Faith are focused on meeting the needs of women, children, and youth within our church and community, as well as various missions throughout the world. For more information on United Women in Faith visit the national website ( You do not have to be a member of Grace UMC to participate in the United Women in Faith activities. Please consider this your personal invitation to become a member of the United Women in Faith and find out which groups most meet your needs. Details of groups are following — if you have any questions please contact Sherry Gibbs at 254-291-3145 or Susan Murphy at 512-810-2099.
Women of the Well- United Women in Faith

This group of ladies of all ages meets on Thursday mornings from 11 am to 12 pm in room 102. They study the Bible, either a book or topic, with the help of books and/ or videos.